If you've made the decision to believe in and trust Jesus with your life, we welcome you to God's family, and invite you to join us at Voyage Church at the Toormina Community Centre. Our church is one of many of the churches in Coffs Harbour, and we would love for you to join us. You can see our Sunday Services
here, and our Mid-Week Services here.
A follower of Jesus is also called a disciple of Jesus. It means to believe and trust in who He is and what He has done for you through His death and resurrection His soon coming return. When you put your faith in Jesus (believing who He says He is and trusting Him with your life), you become a child of God.
A supernatural work happens. God's Holy Spirit comes into your heart and you experience the love of God, and change from the inside out begins.
The word disciple means learner and as you learn more about God, trusting and obeying Jesus through His Word (The Bible), over time more change takes place, changing you into the one you follow - Jesus. This radical new life and voyage with Jesus is learning to leave behind your old way of doing things and discovering the joy of living with God, for God and for others and in the process, God begins to redeem your past failures and gives you a new life to live.
Reading God's Word (The Bible), praying, worship and fellowship in a local, Jesus-centred church, such as our Christian church at Voyage is essential to your learning and growing as you enjoy being part of God's wonderful salvation story.
Read about each of the next steps by clicking on the boxes below.

The Destination is The Church
Making the decision to follow Jesus involves belonging to His church. Joining your life with other believers in a local church to worship God and grow in faith, love and mission are crucial and biblical for every disciple. This isn’t a human idea, this is God’s idea. Think of it like a little baby, but a baby in faith. God puts you in a family who will love you and help you grow up strong so that in time you also will help and encourage others. We are better together, taking the message of Jesus everywhere we go. We welcome you to God's family, and invite you to join us for our church services at Voyage Church in Coffs Harbour.